Bucks at Knotneer

 Salute's dam Salvia

*B Schmidt/ECF Amen Salute
(SG +*B Cherry Glen Hotrod Amen x GCH Schmidt/ECF Salvia 2*M)

Salute combines outstanding type and production. His dam GCH Salvia brings many desirable traits including  a beautiful mammary system with correct teat placement and a lovely foreudder. Salute's sire Amen is a son of 3x National Champion SGCH Cherry Glen Tristin Ayla 94 EEEE and sire of Top Ten and USDA Elite daughters. 

Salute is a amiable, polite buck. He has been Reserve Champion twice at four shows.

 He should improve breed character, strength and mammaries without detracting from other traits. 


 *B Knotneer Brix Barley

(*B Robla's Justice L Brix x Knotneer Bellringer Mango 3*M)

Barley's sire's twin sister, SG Robla's J Lauratina, was a USDA Elite and Superior Genetics doe as a yearling. As a two year old, she appraised at 91 EEVE and made Top Ten, #8 for Butterfat and #9 for Protein.

Barley's dam Mango has a 100+PTI and also made Top Ten as a two year old.  Barley was appraised EEE as a buckling and his milking daughter, Knotnner Brix Pimento, is a stricking yearling who scored VVVV 87.



 *B Knotneer Brix Pogo (Experimental)

(*B Robla's Justice L Brix x Ru-Ridge Printer Paduca 4*M)

Although Paduca is EX, she has some outstanding traits that are lacking in some of my Toggenburgs. I hope that Pogo will bring in those traits even if we get a generation of Experimentals- they'll be some nice does!  Pogo is long bodied but very uphill with nice rear legs and a lot of escutcheon. He also has a classic Toggenburg head. He has 

 passed these traits on to his yearling daughter, Fuji, and made significant improvements over her dam. His 2010 daughter Sultana also looks very nice.

Outside bucks for 2011



GCH +*B White-Hawk Ranger's Jack Pine

(GCH ++*B Rowe's Maestro Ranger x SGCH White-Hawk DJ's Jessika 2*M)

Jack Pine is one of the best all-around Toggenburg sires. On the show side, he has two GCH

daughters, is a GCH himself, and both parents and all four grandparents are GCHs. On the milk

side, he has a Top Ten daughter, a Top Ten full sister, and dam Jessika and paternal granddam

Rosebud are both Top Ten does. Additionally, Jack Pine has longevity in his pedigree. His dam

Jessika has 11 lactations, Rosebud has 11, and maternal granddam Jolynn with 9.

Semen available from Eagle Creek Farm http://eaglecreekfarm.tripod.com/id13.html


Rhappahannock's dam Rhapsody as a yearling

 Legendairy Rhappahannock

(*B Neshaminy Acres KRN Bellringer x Paramount Star Rhapsody)

Rhapsody is another up & coming Starbuck daughter.  As a milking yearling, she was Reserve

Champion Toggenburg at the competitive Minnesota State Fair. She will be a real showstopper

when she matures. Bellringer's dam SGCH Neshaminy Acres KS Libertybell *M 91 EX is a 

 gorgeous doe who also has a 200+PTI and is USDA Elite.


Rhapp himself is a dark chocolate buckling, strong in general appearance & breed type,

 with a lot of hock angle and length.


Schmidt/ECF NAB Broadway Joe

(Neshaminy Acres Bunane x GCH Schmidt/ECF Tea Rose *M VEEE 91)

Our Top Ten doe Elsa produced a really nice kid from Bunane in 2007, with major improvements in general appearance. Hopefully Broadway Joe will make those same improvements with the addition

of his dam Tea Rose's correct teat placement. More info on Joe at http://eaglecreekfarm.tripod.com/id13.html


*B California Franchise Cache

(CH *B Rowe's Raven Franchise x GCH California Landmark Cachet 4*M EEEE 91)

Cache has been a type improver with his yearling daughters averaging 87. He should improve

feet & legs and front ends. His sire Franchise is a full brother to *B Rowe's Raven Frostline II who

worked well in our herd. Dam Cachet is a Top Ten doe in addition to her 91 EX and GCH. More info on Cache at http://eaglecreekfarm.tripod.com/id13.html


 Reference Sires




Starbuck, winter of 2005

+*B Marshland Regal/J Starbuck 5-03 92 VEE

                     (GCH ++*B Dionysius Cici's Chivas Regal x SGCH Marshland Star of Jasmine 2*M)

 Starbuck really has it all. First, an outstanding show background- both parents and three grandparents are SGCH or CH and he passed it on. Daughters CH Legendairy Starbuck Rhone 90 VEEE and CH Legendairy Starbuck Rhumba 92 EEEE have many BDIS and National wins. 

He also has high producing daughters, including numerous SG does in many herds and two Top Ten daughters, Knotneer MRS You Say Tomato 2*M and  Ru-Ridge Starbuck Trinity, 2x  Breed Leader. His quality is evident even in this unposed working-clothes photo. 

Starbuck semen is available at http://www.biogenicsltd.com/t128.html 

 More info on Starbuck and some of his show-winning daughters http://www.karakahlfarm.com/

  Starbuck's dam and  maternal half sister are here   http://marshlandgoats.webs.com/gchdoes.htm




Frostline, November 2006

*B Rowe's Raven Frostline II

(GCH +*B Rowe's Snowbuck Raven x GCH Rowe's Falcon Francine)

The Raven x Francine breeding is an outstanding cross, producing GCH Rowe's Raven Flora

93 EEEE & 2x Top Ten, GCH Rowe's Raven Fortune 93 EEEE, CH Rowe's Raven Franchise

90 EEV and Frostline's littermate GCH Rowe's Raven Fresia 92 EEEE. He was

here at Knotneer for one season, producing four daughters including our first GCH, Polka.


*B Robla's Justice L Brix

(+*B Sunshine Judyl Justice x SGCH Whispering*Hope A Lauren 92 EEEE)

Brix's dam Lauren won her class at Nationals, appraised 92 EX, and made Top 10 all

in the same year. His sire Justice is the son of a 94 EX doe and himself sired many SG

and USDA Elite daughters, and the notable SGCH Sunshine Justice Burta *M 92 EEEE,

2005 National Reserve Champion.

Brix's twin sister SG Robla's J Lauratina 10*M 91 EEVE is extremely promising, earning both

USDA Elite and Superior Genetics designations as a yearling.

Brix was purchased as a week-old kid and used as our only service buck in 2007. In March

of 2008, he was let out of his box stall by trespassing neighbor kids. He followed them across the

road and was hit and killed by the school bus.

We have several Brix daughters that will freshen this year and have kept and used two of his

sons. Brix also has daughters and sons working in other herds in Minnesota.